[Click] info on DATA field of InfiniteSource

Luca Costantino luca.costantino at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 09:56:11 EDT 2011

2011/9/30 Cliff Frey <cliff at meraki.com>:
> This works for me:
> click -e '
> InfiniteSource(DATA "packet contents here are ascii", LIMIT 1, STOP true)
> -> UDPIPEncap(, 1000,, 2000)
> -> IPPrint(PAYLOAD ascii)
> -> Discard
> '

thanks, that worked!

i now have another question. i'm playing with REALLY simple
configurations, that is something like this

InfiniteSource(DATA "Hello world", LIMIT 5, STOP true)
        -> UDPIPEncap(, 1000,, 2000)
        -> ciph :: CheckIPHeader(BADSRC

ciph[0] -> ToDump(correct.dump, ENCAP IP)
ciph[1] -> ToDump(wrong.dump, ENCAP IP)

even if there are no correct packets (all match the BADSRC rule), i
end up having two dump files. the wrong.dump contains (correctly) all
the packets (i can see that from wireshark). the correct.dump file is
not readable from wireshark or tcpdump, is 24 bytes long, and contains
the following hexadecimal code

 D4 C3 B2 A1  02 00 04 00   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  D0 07 00 00  65 00 00 00

why is that file created, what does that mean?

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Poi vennero a prendere gli omosessuali, e fui sollevato, perché mi
erano fastidiosi.
Poi vennero a prendere i comunisti, e io non dissi niente, perché non
ero comunista.
Un giorno vennero a prendere me, e non c’era rimasto nessuno a protestare.
(Martin Niemöller)

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