[Click] To/FromUserDevice enhancements

Cliff Frey cliff at meraki.com
Wed Mar 2 14:16:47 EST 2011


I have made a bunch of changes to both ToUserDevice and FromUserDevice.
 These elements now provide an easy way to get a pcap file out of click when
it is running in the kernel, as well as other options for communicating with
click if using linux's networking stack (ToHost/FromHost) is not desired.

I'd appreciate any feedback, especially if anyone has an elegant idea to
handle the click-unload cases (which I believe can cause kernel panics


commit 7ccadf37b971e43ef8b6d56b2ed6220389ef173d
Author: Cliff Frey <cliff at meraki.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 2 11:01:59 2011

    (To/From)UserDevice: cleanups, fixups, features

    ToUserDevice is now much more configurable, supporting multiple
    types (none, pcap, and length-delimited).  It also supports acting like
    datagram socket, where each read corresponds to one packet, or like a
    socket, where every byte will definitely be returned, but there is no
    cutoff between one packet and the next.

    FromUserDevice now depends on an existing ToUserDevice element, and the
    character device is used for both directions of communication.

    Here is one example usage of ToUserDevice:

      mknod /dev/click_user0 c 241 0
      cat > /click/config <<EOF
        is :: InfiniteSource(LIMIT 10)
        -> UDPIPEncap(, 11,, 22)
        -> EtherEncap(0x0800, 00:01:02:03:04:05, 00:01:02:03:04:06)
        -> tud :: ToUserDevice(0, ENCAP pcap, BLOCKING false)
      cat /dev/click_user0 > /tmp/foo.pcap
      tcpdump -n -r /tmp/foo.pcap

    Another would just be to use both ToUserDevice and FromUserDevice to
create a
    file that could be treated like a UDP socket to communicatie with click
    without using linux's networking stack).

    I believe that I fixed the poll() functions for both elements... but I
am not at
    all confident that they are really bug-free.

    I believe that ToUserDevice has multiple potential bugs involved with
    the config and/or removing the click kernel module.  The fact that
    stores a pointer to the element object seems quite unsafe, as if the
config is
    unloaded, the object would be freed.  Also, the fact that the
    object points to functions in the kernel module means that it is
necessary to
    make sure that all file handles are closed before unloading the kernel
    and I don't believe that this is done today.  My gut feeling is that the
    fix for both problems is to actually make cleanup() block until all
    file handles are closed.

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