[Click] "Graft" ports

Eddie Kohler kohler at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Jan 21 20:48:55 EST 2011

On 01/21/2011 05:42 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
> The original concern (with exposing global objects into the guts of an
> elementclass) was that this would only work for a single instance is valid...
> that is, if A imports B, then you can only have a single object of class A.

No, you could have many.  But any element of class A will refer to the same 
imported element.  Sometimes that's not what you want.  Sometimes it is.

The idea of "default connections" is interesting -- "include this connection 
only if the port was previously unused."  You could get a somewhat similar 
effect with compound element overloading, but only somewhat similar.


> The advantage of graft points was that you'd have to plumb instances
> individually, same as for input and output ports.
> My only point about graft point was that (a) they would simplify keeping track
> of indices on complex objects (especially for objects that are generated from
> scripts with variable numbers of inputs and outputs); (b) they would simplify
> notation by specifying both input and output to the grafted-to object at the
> same time, and (c) they would impose rules about graft points being used in
> pairs that doesn't exist for inputs and outputs which are orthogonal to each
> other (at least with respect to an object's perspective of the outside world).
> I thought about it some more, and if the default for any unspecified (graft)
> connection was :: { input -> output } then that would make it very easy to
> "pepper" an object with various inspection and instrumentation points, or
> points where you might later want to apply additional processing on a packet
> as it flows through the innards of a class.
> I could easily foresee a complex object where I had graft points for:
> [0] the packet at ingress;
> [1] the packet after it has SNATting performed;
> [2] the packet after deep inspection into layer 7 and rewriting of addresses;
> [3] resetting the timer on the association;
> ...
> [n] the packet at egress;
> And you wouldn't need to recode an object to add to peek into it at various
> well-known (and previously defined) places.
> Like I said: graft points are just a notational convenience. At the end of the
> day, they would just map into pairs of input and output ports... but the
> implementation would be handled by the preprocessor.
> On 1/21/11 4:47 PM, Eddie Kohler wrote:
>> Hey, a couple points.
>> (1) Unlike Cliff and Ian, I see some value for importing external elements
>> into a compound. Perhaps a statement like "import(ELEMENTNAME)" would be
>> required. Although new errors could happen, they'd be pretty easy to
>> understand even now, and the messages could be improved.
>> (2) On the below, we generally write debuggers like this:
>> // elementclass Debugger {$tag | input -> output};
>> elementclass Debugger {$tag | input -> IPPrint($tag, MAXLENGTH 64) -> output};
>> Then you refer to Debugger as an element.
>> I want to note that graft points as used in THIS mail are supported now;
>> they are implemented as normal inputs and outputs. I don't understand what
>> you gain by treating grafts as separate from normal inputs and outputs. They
>> must always be connected or there are errors.
>> Eddie
>> On 01/20/2011 04:11 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>>> One other nice property about graft-points is this:
>>> elementclass MyIncrediblyHairyObject {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> miho :: MyIncrediblyHairyObject;
>>> ...
>>> miho [0]<-> null :: { input -> output }<-> [0] miho;
>>> // miho [0]<-> dbg0 :: { IPPrint("Inspection 0", MAXLENGTH=64) }<-> [0] miho;
>>> and by just moving the comment prefix around, I can turn on or off
>>> debugging, without having to disturb the body of the elementclass itself.
>>> On 1/20/11 3:59 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>>>> I've been thinking about this some more...
>>>> If I have the following:
>>>> elementclass Foo {
>>>> stuff1 -> external-object -> stuff2;
>>>> }
>>>> then this can be rewritten as:
>>>> elementclass Foo {
>>>> stuff1 -> [N] output;
>>>> input [M] -> stuff2;
>>>> }
>>>> f :: Foo;
>>>> f [N] -> external-object -> [M] f;
>>>> I'd like to propose a notational convenience called "graft" (as in a
>>>> graft-point).
>>>> graft[0] would be short-hand for 1+ the highest used input, and [0] graft
>>>> would be 1+ the highest used input.
>>>> (and so on for [1], [2], etc.)
>>>> We'd need a new operator for graft-points. Maybe:
>>>> f [G]<-> [a] external-object [b]<-> [G] f;
>>>> it would be a syntactic error to mismatch subscripts for the object being
>>>> grafted to.
>>>> The notation inside the elementclass would be:
>>>> elementclass Foo {
>>>> stuff1 -> graft [G] -> stuff2; // or ... [G] graft ...
>>>> }
>>>> Does that make sense?
>>>> -Philip
>>>> On 1/18/11 3:43 PM, Beyers Cronje wrote:
>>>>> The config you posted below Ian explicitly states "This would be legal:" at
>>>>> the top. I think Ian is referring to the second config that will cause
>>>>> issues:
>>>>> "
>>>>> I think this should complain that fd[0] is being used twice (port
>>>>> connection error), although it may take a minute to see why that's the
>>>>> case (and would be much trickier to see in a more complex config):
>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>> fd::FromDevice(...);
>>>>> elementclass Bar {
>>>>> fd[0] -> Print() -> [0]output;
>>>>> }
>>>>> a::Bar() -> Discard();
>>>>> b::Bar() -> Discard();
>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>> "
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Philip Prindeville<
>>>>> philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 1/18/11 7:34 AM, Ian Rose wrote:
>>>>>>> If I am thinking this through correctly, IMHO it wouldn't be a good idea
>>>>>>> to allow elementclasses to do this. Reason being that in some cases you
>>>>>>> could create port connection errors merely through declaring multiple
>>>>>>> elements of your new elementclass type. This would be an unexpected and
>>>>>>> confusing error since its impossible to do currently. AFAIK currently
>>>>>>> there are no errors that can occur merely by *declaring* too many
>>>>>>> elements of some type. So this would introduce a whole new category of
>>>>>>> error. Some examples:
>>>>>>> This would be legal:
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>> fd::FromDevice(...);
>>>>>>> elementclass Bar {
>>>>>>> fd[0] -> Print() -> [0]output;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> a::Bar() -> Discard();
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>> I think this should complain that fd[0] is being used twice (port
>>>>>>> connection error), although it may take a minute to see why that's the
>>>>>>> case (and would be much trickier to see in a more complex config):
>>>>>> Sorry, not seeing why the above case represents using the port twice...
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>> fd::FromDevice(...);
>>>>>>> elementclass Bar {
>>>>>>> fd[0] -> Print() -> [0]output;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> a::Bar() -> Discard();
>>>>>>> b::Bar() -> Discard();
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>> In order to cause this same error currently (without the proposed
>>>>>>> elementclass enhancement) you'd have to do this, which I think makes the
>>>>>>> error more obvious:
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>> fd::FromDevice(...);
>>>>>>> elementclass Bar {
>>>>>>> input[0] -> Print() -> [0]output;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> fd[0] -> a::Bar() -> Discard();
>>>>>>> fd[0] -> b::Bar() -> Discard();
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Just my $0.02.
>>>>>>> - Ian
>>>>>>> On 01/17/2011 07:55 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yeah, it especially makes sense to have arpfoo be global if it needs to
>>>>>> be accessible from two different elementclass's, one that deals with the IP
>>>>>> flow (input [0] and output [0]) and another one that deals strictly with
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> ARP request/reply flow (input [1] and output [1]).
>>>>>>>> Someone else will have to come up with the patches... I've not yet
>>>>>> dabbled in the code itself.
>>>>>>>> On 1/17/11 4:35 PM, Eddie Kohler wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Philip,
>>>>>>>>> I can see why you thought compound elements would work that way, but
>>>>>> they don't. They are very strictly encapsulated: all connections to other
>>>>>> elements must take place through explicit inputs and outputs.
>>>>>>>>> I admit it would make sense to do it the way you've imagined. Patches
>>>>>> welcome...
>>>>>>>>> Eddie
>>>>>>>>> On 1/15/11 2:53 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I've got a configuration where I do:
>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> arpfoo :: ARPQuerier(...);
>>>>>>>>>> elementclass Bar {
>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> class :: classifier(...);
>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> class [2] -> [1] arpfoo;
>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> but it complains that "unknown element class 'arpfoo'" in a few
>>>>>> places, and that input 1 isn't used...
>>>>>>>>>> So I'm confused. Everything is scoped globally... even stuff defined
>>>>>> within an elementclass gets scoped globally.
>>>>>>>>>> Why then can't I access a global variable from within an
>>>>>> elementclass's scope?
>>>>>>>>>> What am I missing?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> -Philip

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