[Click] [PATCH] Templify ARPTable element

Roberto Riggio roberto.riggio at create-net.org
Thu Feb 24 04:08:46 EST 2011

This patch introduces a ARPTableBase template element. The old ARPTable
is then defined as:

class ARPTable : public ARPTableBase<IPAddress>

Where IPAddress is the network level id that must be mapped to and EtherAddress (not part
of the template). If a specific use case is provided I could further generalize
the template adding a second argument for the l2 address to be mapped to l3 address.

Signed-off-by: Roberto Riggio<roberto.riggio at create-net.org>

diff -urN '--exclude=.git' click.upstream/elements/ethernet/arptable.cc click/elements/ethernet/arptable.cc
--- click.upstream/elements/ethernet/arptable.cc	2011-02-24 09:15:16.755988001 +0100
+++ click/elements/ethernet/arptable.cc	2011-02-04 11:22:26.422339000 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * arptable.{cc,hh} -- ARP resolver element
+ * arptablebase.{cc,hh} -- ARP resolver element
   * Eddie Kohler
   * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
@@ -18,10 +18,8 @@

-#include "arpquerier.hh"
+#include "arptable.hh"
@@ -31,319 +29,13 @@

-    : _entry_capacity(0), _packet_capacity(2048), _expire_timer(this)
-    _entry_count = _packet_count = _drops = 0;


-ARPTable::configure(Vector<String>  &conf, ErrorHandler *errh)
-    Timestamp timeout(300);
-    if (cp_va_kparse(conf, this, errh,
-		     "CAPACITY", 0, cpUnsigned,&_packet_capacity,
-		     "ENTRY_CAPACITY", 0, cpUnsigned,&_entry_capacity,
-		     "TIMEOUT", 0, cpTimestamp,&timeout,
-		     cpEnd)<  0)
-	return -1;
-    set_timeout(timeout);
-    if (_timeout_j) {
-	_expire_timer.initialize(this);
-	_expire_timer.schedule_after_sec(_timeout_j / CLICK_HZ);
-    }
-    return 0;
-    clear();
-    // Walk the arp cache table and free any stored packets and arp entries.
-    for (Table::iterator it = _table.begin(); it; ) {
-	ARPEntry *ae = _table.erase(it);
-	while (Packet *p = ae->_head) {
-	    ae->_head = p->next();
-	    p->kill();
-	    ++_drops;
-	}
-	_alloc.deallocate(ae);
-    }
-    _entry_count = _packet_count = 0;
-    _age.__clear();
-ARPTable::take_state(Element *e, ErrorHandler *errh)
-    ARPTable *arpt = (ARPTable *)e->cast("ARPTable");
-    if (!arpt)
-	return;
-    if (_table.size()>  0) {
-	errh->error("late take_state");
-	return;
-    }
-    _table.swap(arpt->_table);
-    _age.swap(arpt->_age);
-    _entry_count = arpt->_entry_count;
-    _packet_count = arpt->_packet_count;
-    _drops = arpt->_drops;
-    _alloc.swap(arpt->_alloc);
-    arpt->_entry_count = 0;
-    arpt->_packet_count = 0;
-ARPTable::slim(click_jiffies_t now)
-    ARPEntry *ae;
-    // Delete old entries.
-    while ((ae = _age.front())
-	&&  (ae->expired(now, _timeout_j)
-	       || (_entry_capacity&&  _entry_count>  _entry_capacity))) {
-	_table.erase(ae->_ip);
-	_age.pop_front();
-	while (Packet *p = ae->_head) {
-	    ae->_head = p->next();
-	    p->kill();
-	    --_packet_count;
-	    ++_drops;
-	}
-	_alloc.deallocate(ae);
-	--_entry_count;
-    }
-    // Mark entries for polling, and delete packets to make space.
-    while (_packet_capacity&&  _packet_count>  _packet_capacity) {
-	while (ae->_head&&  _packet_count>  _packet_capacity) {
-	    Packet *p = ae->_head;
-	    if (!(ae->_head = p->next()))
-		ae->_tail = 0;
-	    p->kill();
-	    --_packet_count;
-	    ++_drops;
-	}
-	ae = ae->_age_link.next();
-    }
-ARPTable::run_timer(Timer *timer)
-    // Expire any old entries, and make sure there's room for at least one
-    // packet.
-    _lock.acquire_write();
-    slim(click_jiffies());
-    _lock.release_write();
-    if (_timeout_j)
-	timer->schedule_after_sec(_timeout_j / CLICK_HZ + 1);
-ARPTable::ARPEntry *
-ARPTable::ensure(IPAddress ip, click_jiffies_t now)
-    _lock.acquire_write();
-    Table::iterator it = _table.find(ip);
-    if (!it) {
-	void *x = _alloc.allocate();
-	if (!x) {
-	    _lock.release_write();
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	++_entry_count;
-	if (_entry_capacity&&  _entry_count>  _entry_capacity)
-	    slim(now);
-	ARPEntry *ae = new(x) ARPEntry(ip);
-	ae->_live_at_j = now;
-	ae->_polled_at_j = ae->_live_at_j - CLICK_HZ;
-	_table.set(it, ae);
-	_age.push_back(ae);
-    }
-    return it.get();
-ARPTable::insert(IPAddress ip, const EtherAddress&eth, Packet **head)
-    click_jiffies_t now = click_jiffies();
-    ARPEntry *ae = ensure(ip, now);
-    if (!ae)
-	return -ENOMEM;
-    ae->_eth = eth;
-    ae->_known = !eth.is_broadcast();
-    ae->_live_at_j = now;
-    ae->_polled_at_j = ae->_live_at_j - CLICK_HZ;
-    if (ae->_age_link.next()) {
-	_age.erase(ae);
-	_age.push_back(ae);
-    }
-    if (head) {
-	*head = ae->_head;
-	ae->_head = ae->_tail = 0;
-	for (Packet *p = *head; p; p = p->next())
-	    --_packet_count;
-    }
-    _table.balance();
-    _lock.release_write();
-    return 0;
-ARPTable::append_query(IPAddress ip, Packet *p)
-    click_jiffies_t now = click_jiffies();
-    ARPEntry *ae = ensure(ip, now);
-    if (!ae)
-	return -ENOMEM;
-    if (ae->known(now, _timeout_j)) {
-	_lock.release_write();
-	return -EAGAIN;
-    }
-    // Since we're still trying to send to this address, keep the entry just
-    // this side of expiring.  This fixes a bug reported 5 Nov 2009 by Seiichi
-    // Tetsukawa, and verified via testie, where the slim() below could delete
-    // the "ae" ARPEntry when "ae" was the oldest entry in the system.
-    if (_timeout_j) {
-	click_jiffies_t live_at_j_min = now - _timeout_j;
-	if (click_jiffies_less(ae->_live_at_j, live_at_j_min)) {
-	    ae->_live_at_j = live_at_j_min;
-	    // Now move "ae" to the right position in the list by walking
-	    // forward over other elements (potentially expensive?).
-	    ARPEntry *ae_next = ae->_age_link.next(), *next = ae_next;
-	    while (next&&  click_jiffies_less(next->_live_at_j, ae->_live_at_j))
-		next = next->_age_link.next();
-	    if (ae_next != next) {
-		_age.erase(ae);
-		_age.insert(next /* might be null */, ae);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    ++_packet_count;
-    if (_packet_capacity&&  _packet_count>  _packet_capacity)
-	slim(now);
-    if (ae->_tail)
-	ae->_tail->set_next(p);
-    else
-	ae->_head = p;
-    ae->_tail = p;
-    p->set_next(0);
-    int r;
-    if (!click_jiffies_less(now, ae->_polled_at_j + CLICK_HZ / 10)) {
-	ae->_polled_at_j = now;
-	r = 1;
-    } else
-	r = 0;
-    _table.balance();
-    _lock.release_write();
-    return r;
-ARPTable::reverse_lookup(const EtherAddress&eth)
-    _lock.acquire_read();
-    IPAddress ip;
-    for (Table::iterator it = _table.begin(); it; ++it)
-	if (it->_eth == eth) {
-	    ip = it->_ip;
-	    break;
-	}
-    _lock.release_read();
-    return ip;
-ARPTable::read_handler(Element *e, void *user_data)
-    ARPTable *arpt = (ARPTable *) e;
-    StringAccum sa;
-    click_jiffies_t now = click_jiffies();
-    switch (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(user_data)) {
-    case h_table:
-	for (ARPEntry *ae = arpt->_age.front(); ae; ae = ae->_age_link.next()) {
-	    int ok = ae->known(now, arpt->_timeout_j);
-	    sa<<  ae->_ip<<  ' '<<  ok<<  ' '<<  ae->_eth<<  ''
-	<<  Timestamp::make_jiffies(now - ae->_live_at_j)<<  '\n';
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    return sa.take_string();
-ARPTable::write_handler(const String&str, Element *e, void *user_data, ErrorHandler *errh)
-    ARPTable *arpt = (ARPTable *) e;
-    switch (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(user_data)) {
-      case h_insert: {
-	  IPAddress ip;
-	  EtherAddress eth;
-	  if (cp_va_space_kparse(str, arpt, errh,
-				 "IP", cpkP+cpkM, cpIPAddress,&ip,
-				 "ETH", cpkP+cpkM, cpEtherAddress,&eth,
-				 cpEnd)<  0)
-	      return -1;
-	  arpt->insert(ip, eth);
-	  return 0;
-      }
-      case h_delete: {
-	  IPAddress ip;
-	  if (cp_va_space_kparse(str, arpt, errh,
-				 "IP", cpkP+cpkM, cpIPAddress,&ip,
-				 cpEnd)<  0)
-	      return -1;
-	  arpt->insert(ip, EtherAddress::make_broadcast()); // XXX?
-	  return 0;
-      }
-      case h_clear:
-	arpt->clear();
-	return 0;
-      default:
-	return -1;
-    }
-    add_read_handler("table", read_handler, h_table);
-    add_data_handlers("drops", Handler::OP_READ,&_drops);
-    add_data_handlers("count", Handler::OP_READ,&_entry_count);
-    add_data_handlers("length", Handler::OP_READ,&_packet_count);
-    add_write_handler("insert", write_handler, h_insert);
-    add_write_handler("delete", write_handler, h_delete);
-    add_write_handler("clear", write_handler, h_clear);
diff -urN '--exclude=.git' click.upstream/elements/ethernet/arptable.hh click/elements/ethernet/arptable.hh
--- click.upstream/elements/ethernet/arptable.hh	2011-02-24 09:15:16.755988001 +0100
+++ click/elements/ethernet/arptable.hh	2011-02-04 11:22:26.422339000 +0100
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@

@@ -81,12 +88,13 @@

-class ARPTable : public Element { public:
+template<typename T>
+class ARPTableBase : public Element { public:

-    ARPTable();
-    ~ARPTable();
+    ARPTableBase();
+    ~ARPTableBase();

-    const char *class_name() const		{ return "ARPTable"; }
+    const char *class_name() const		{ return "ARPTableBase"; }

      int configure(Vector<String>  &, ErrorHandler *);
      bool can_live_reconfigure() const		{ return true; }
@@ -94,11 +102,11 @@
      void add_handlers();
      void cleanup(CleanupStage);

-    int lookup(IPAddress ip, EtherAddress *eth, uint32_t poll_timeout_j);
-    EtherAddress lookup(IPAddress ip);
-    IPAddress reverse_lookup(const EtherAddress&eth);
-    int insert(IPAddress ip, const EtherAddress&en, Packet **head = 0);
-    int append_query(IPAddress ip, Packet *p);
+    int lookup(T ip, EtherAddress *eth, uint32_t poll_timeout_j);
+    EtherAddress lookup(T ip);
+    T reverse_lookup(const EtherAddress&eth);
+    int insert(T ip, const EtherAddress&en, Packet **head = 0);
+    int append_query(T ip, Packet *p);
      void clear();

      uint32_t capacity() const {
@@ -142,7 +150,7 @@
      static int write_handler(const String&str, Element *e, void *user_data, ErrorHandler *errh);

      struct ARPEntry {		// This structure is now larger than I'd like
-	IPAddress _ip;		// (40B) but probably still fine.
+	T _ip;		// (40B) but probably still fine.
  	ARPEntry *_hashnext;
  	EtherAddress _eth;
  	bool _known;
@@ -151,8 +159,8 @@
  	Packet *_head;
  	Packet *_tail;
  	List_member<ARPEntry>  _age_link;
-	typedef IPAddress key_type;
-	typedef IPAddress key_const_reference;
+	typedef T key_type;
+	typedef T key_const_reference;
  	key_const_reference hashkey() const {
  	    return _ip;
@@ -163,17 +171,19 @@
  	bool known(click_jiffies_t now, uint32_t timeout_j) const {
  	    return _known&&  !expired(now, timeout_j);
-	ARPEntry(IPAddress ip)
+	ARPEntry(T ip)
  	    : _ip(ip), _hashnext(), _eth(EtherAddress::make_broadcast()),
  	      _known(false), _head(), _tail() {

-  private:
+  protected:

      ReadWriteLock _lock;

      typedef HashContainer<ARPEntry>  Table;
+    typedef typename Table::iterator TIter;
      Table _table;
      typedef List<ARPEntry,&ARPEntry::_age_link>  AgeList;
      AgeList _age;
@@ -186,17 +196,18 @@
      SizedHashAllocator<sizeof(ARPEntry)>  _alloc;
      Timer _expire_timer;

-    ARPEntry *ensure(IPAddress ip, click_jiffies_t now);
+    ARPEntry *ensure(T ip, click_jiffies_t now);
      void slim(click_jiffies_t now);


-inline int
-ARPTable::lookup(IPAddress ip, EtherAddress *eth, uint32_t poll_timeout_j)
+template<typename T>
+inline int
+ARPTableBase<T>::lookup(T ip, EtherAddress *eth, uint32_t poll_timeout_j)
      int r = -1;
-    if (Table::iterator it = _table.find(ip)) {
+    if (TIter it = _table.find(ip)) {
  	click_jiffies_t now = click_jiffies();
  	if (it->known(now, _timeout_j)) {
  	    *eth = it->_eth;
@@ -213,8 +224,9 @@
      return r;

+template<typename T>
  inline EtherAddress
-ARPTable::lookup(IPAddress ip)
+ARPTableBase<T>::lookup(T ip)
      EtherAddress eth;
      if (lookup(ip,&eth, 0)>= 0)
@@ -223,5 +235,343 @@
  	return EtherAddress::make_broadcast();

+template<typename T>
+    : _entry_capacity(0), _packet_capacity(2048), _expire_timer(this)
+    _entry_count = _packet_count = _drops = 0;
+template<typename T>
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::configure(Vector<String>  &conf, ErrorHandler *errh)
+    Timestamp timeout(300);
+    if (cp_va_kparse(conf, this, errh,
+		     "CAPACITY", 0, cpUnsigned,&_packet_capacity,
+		     "ENTRY_CAPACITY", 0, cpUnsigned,&_entry_capacity,
+		     "TIMEOUT", 0, cpTimestamp,&timeout,
+		     cpEnd)<  0)
+	return -1;
+    set_timeout(timeout);
+    if (_timeout_j) {
+	_expire_timer.initialize(this);
+	_expire_timer.schedule_after_sec(_timeout_j / CLICK_HZ);
+    }
+    return 0;
+template<typename T>
+    clear();
+template<typename T>
+    // Walk the arp cache table and free any stored packets and arp entries.
+    for (TIter it = _table.begin(); it; ) {
+	ARPEntry *ae = _table.erase(it);
+	while (Packet *p = ae->_head) {
+	    ae->_head = p->next();
+	    p->kill();
+	    ++_drops;
+	}
+	_alloc.deallocate(ae);
+    }
+    _entry_count = _packet_count = 0;
+    _age.__clear();
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::take_state(Element *e, ErrorHandler *errh)
+    ARPTableBase<T>  *arpt = (ARPTableBase<T>  *)e->cast("ARPTableBase");
+    if (!arpt)
+	return;
+    if (_table.size()>  0) {
+	errh->error("late take_state");
+	return;
+    }
+    _table.swap(arpt->_table);
+    _age.swap(arpt->_age);
+    _entry_count = arpt->_entry_count;
+    _packet_count = arpt->_packet_count;
+    _drops = arpt->_drops;
+    _alloc.swap(arpt->_alloc);
+    arpt->_entry_count = 0;
+    arpt->_packet_count = 0;
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::slim(click_jiffies_t now)
+    ARPEntry *ae;
+    // Delete old entries.
+    while ((ae = _age.front())
+	&&  (ae->expired(now, _timeout_j)
+	       || (_entry_capacity&&  _entry_count>  _entry_capacity))) {
+	_table.erase(ae->_ip);
+	_age.pop_front();
+	while (Packet *p = ae->_head) {
+	    ae->_head = p->next();
+	    p->kill();
+	    --_packet_count;
+	    ++_drops;
+	}
+	_alloc.deallocate(ae);
+	--_entry_count;
+    }
+    // Mark entries for polling, and delete packets to make space.
+    while (_packet_capacity&&  _packet_count>  _packet_capacity) {
+	while (ae->_head&&  _packet_count>  _packet_capacity) {
+	    Packet *p = ae->_head;
+	    if (!(ae->_head = p->next()))
+		ae->_tail = 0;
+	    p->kill();
+	    --_packet_count;
+	    ++_drops;
+	}
+	ae = ae->_age_link.next();
+    }
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::run_timer(Timer *timer)
+    // Expire any old entries, and make sure there's room for at least one
+    // packet.
+    _lock.acquire_write();
+    slim(click_jiffies());
+    _lock.release_write();
+    if (_timeout_j)
+	timer->schedule_after_sec(_timeout_j / CLICK_HZ + 1);
+template<typename T>
+typename ARPTableBase<T>::ARPEntry*
+ARPTableBase<T>::ensure(T ip, click_jiffies_t now)
+    _lock.acquire_write();
+    TIter it = _table.find(ip);
+    if (!it) {
+	void *x = _alloc.allocate();
+	if (!x) {
+	    _lock.release_write();
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	++_entry_count;
+	if (_entry_capacity&&  _entry_count>  _entry_capacity)
+	    slim(now);
+	ARPEntry *ae = new(x) ARPEntry(ip);
+	ae->_live_at_j = now;
+	ae->_polled_at_j = ae->_live_at_j - CLICK_HZ;
+	_table.set(it, ae);
+	_age.push_back(ae);
+    }
+    return it.get();
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::insert(T ip, const EtherAddress&eth, Packet **head)
+    click_jiffies_t now = click_jiffies();
+    ARPEntry *ae = ensure(ip, now);
+    if (!ae)
+	return -ENOMEM;
+    ae->_eth = eth;
+    ae->_known = !eth.is_broadcast();
+    ae->_live_at_j = now;
+    ae->_polled_at_j = ae->_live_at_j - CLICK_HZ;
+    if (ae->_age_link.next()) {
+	_age.erase(ae);
+	_age.push_back(ae);
+    }
+    if (head) {
+	*head = ae->_head;
+	ae->_head = ae->_tail = 0;
+	for (Packet *p = *head; p; p = p->next())
+	    --_packet_count;
+    }
+    _table.balance();
+    _lock.release_write();
+    return 0;
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::append_query(T ip, Packet *p)
+    click_jiffies_t now = click_jiffies();
+    ARPEntry *ae = ensure(ip, now);
+    if (!ae)
+	return -ENOMEM;
+    if (ae->known(now, _timeout_j)) {
+	_lock.release_write();
+	return -EAGAIN;
+    }
+    // Since we're still trying to send to this address, keep the entry just
+    // this side of expiring.  This fixes a bug reported 5 Nov 2009 by Seiichi
+    // Tetsukawa, and verified via testie, where the slim() below could delete
+    // the "ae" ARPEntry when "ae" was the oldest entry in the system.
+    if (_timeout_j) {
+	click_jiffies_t live_at_j_min = now - _timeout_j;
+	if (click_jiffies_less(ae->_live_at_j, live_at_j_min)) {
+	    ae->_live_at_j = live_at_j_min;
+	    // Now move "ae" to the right position in the list by walking
+	    // forward over other elements (potentially expensive?).
+	    ARPEntry *ae_next = ae->_age_link.next(), *next = ae_next;
+	    while (next&&  click_jiffies_less(next->_live_at_j, ae->_live_at_j))
+		next = next->_age_link.next();
+	    if (ae_next != next) {
+		_age.erase(ae);
+		_age.insert(next /* might be null */, ae);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    ++_packet_count;
+    if (_packet_capacity&&  _packet_count>  _packet_capacity)
+	slim(now);
+    if (ae->_tail)
+	ae->_tail->set_next(p);
+    else
+	ae->_head = p;
+    ae->_tail = p;
+    p->set_next(0);
+    int r;
+    if (!click_jiffies_less(now, ae->_polled_at_j + CLICK_HZ / 10)) {
+	ae->_polled_at_j = now;
+	r = 1;
+    } else
+	r = 0;
+    _table.balance();
+    _lock.release_write();
+    return r;
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::reverse_lookup(const EtherAddress&eth)
+    _lock.acquire_read();
+    T ip;
+    for (TIter it = _table.begin(); it; ++it)
+	if (it->_eth == eth) {
+	    ip = it->_ip;
+	    break;
+	}
+    _lock.release_read();
+    return ip;
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::read_handler(Element *e, void *user_data)
+    ARPTableBase *arpt = (ARPTableBase *) e;
+    StringAccum sa;
+    click_jiffies_t now = click_jiffies();
+    switch (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(user_data)) {
+    case h_table:
+	for (ARPEntry *ae = arpt->_age.front(); ae; ae = ae->_age_link.next()) {
+	    int ok = ae->known(now, arpt->_timeout_j);
+	    sa<<  ae->_ip<<  ' '<<  ok<<  ' '<<  ae->_eth<<  ''
+	<<  Timestamp::make_jiffies(now - ae->_live_at_j)<<  '\n';
+	}
+	break;
+    }
+    return sa.take_string();
+template<typename T>
+ARPTableBase<T>::write_handler(const String&str, Element *e, void *user_data, ErrorHandler *errh)
+    ARPTableBase<T>  *arpt = (ARPTableBase<T>  *) e;
+    switch (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(user_data)) {
+      case h_insert: {
+	  IPAddress ip;
+	  EtherAddress eth;
+	  if (cp_va_space_kparse(str, arpt, errh,
+				 "IP", cpkP+cpkM, cpIPAddress,&ip,
+				 "ETH", cpkP+cpkM, cpEtherAddress,&eth,
+				 cpEnd)<  0)
+	      return -1;
+	  arpt->insert(ip, eth);
+	  return 0;
+      }
+      case h_delete: {
+	  IPAddress ip;
+	  if (cp_va_space_kparse(str, arpt, errh,
+				 "IP", cpkP+cpkM, cpIPAddress,&ip,
+				 cpEnd)<  0)
+	      return -1;
+	  arpt->insert(ip, EtherAddress::make_broadcast()); // XXX?
+	  return 0;
+      }
+      case h_clear:
+	arpt->clear();
+	return 0;
+      default:
+	return -1;
+    }
+template<typename T>
+    add_read_handler("table", read_handler, h_table);
+    add_data_handlers("drops", Handler::OP_READ,&_drops);
+    add_data_handlers("count", Handler::OP_READ,&_entry_count);
+    add_data_handlers("length", Handler::OP_READ,&_packet_count);
+    add_write_handler("insert", write_handler, h_insert);
+    add_write_handler("delete", write_handler, h_delete);
+    add_write_handler("clear", write_handler, h_clear);
+class ARPTable : public ARPTableBase<IPAddress>  { public:
+    ARPTable();
+    ~ARPTable();
+    const char *class_name() const		{ return "ARPTable"; }

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