[Click] Click project activity

rchertov at cs.ucsb.edu rchertov at cs.ucsb.edu
Thu Sep 16 12:27:06 EDT 2010


I am curious about the state of the project.  There are a number of
important patches that Joonwoo released (e1000, e1000e drivers, NAPI
interface) that were never integrated.  Also, the official kernel patch is, while there is a 2.6.32 patch floating somewhere on the mailing
list.  There are some inconsistencies with documentation, where usage for
some elements changed but the documentation does not reflect that.  A large
number of publications were submitted to the list, which could be added to
the publications list.  I am sure there are other things that I am

Do you ever plan to have several maintainers that can make commits to the
git repo and make documentation updates?  I am sure that I am not the only
one, who heavily uses Click for research and is curious about the project's
future direction :)


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