[Click] Problem compiling click 1.8.0 (userlevel)

Kostas Pelechrinis kpele_ntua at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 21 10:25:46 EDT 2010

Hi folks.

I have tried to compile click-1.8.0 on a FC 3 machine with gcc version 3.3.4.  I know this is an old configuration but this is what I should use :( 

When I compile I get the following two erros:

1) at /include/click/timer.hh i int Timer::_schedpos1 the _schedpos1 is set to private and it hits an error based on this, so I moved it to the public part of the class and this error is gone.  

Then I get the following:

2) ../elements/ip/ipaddrrewriter.cc: In member function `virtual IPRewriterEntry* 
   IPAddrRewriter::get_entry(int, const IPFlowID&, int)':
../elements/ip/ipaddrrewriter.cc:112: error: type specifier omitted for 
../elements/ip/ipaddrrewriter.cc:112: error: parse error before numeric 
../elements/ip/ipaddrrewriter.cc:113: error: no matching function for call to `
   HashContainer<IPRewriterEntry, HashContainer_adapter<IPRewriterEntry> >::get
   (IPFlowID (&)(...))'
../include/click/hashcontainer.hh:534: error: candidates are: T* 
   HashContainer<T, A>::get(typename A::key_type&) const [with T = 
   IPRewriterEntry, A = HashContainer_adapter<IPRewriterEntry>]
make: *** [ipaddrrewriter.o] Error 1

In order to eliminate this error I tried a few things but what worked was to comment out the following lines from CLICKDIR/elements/ip/ipaddrrewriter.cc

if (!m) {
    IPFlowID rflowid(IPAddress(), 0, xflowid.daddr(), 0);
    m = _map.get(rflowid);

After this everything worked fine, and I tested the test.click configuration (as mentioned in the installation guide) and everything worked fine.  

I can see that the first error should not affect the operations of click but I am worried about the second one and the lines I commented out.  Do you have any suggestions/insights?



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