[Click] Patchless click on CentOS

rchertov at cs.ucsb.edu rchertov at cs.ucsb.edu
Thu Oct 14 12:05:44 EDT 2010


Has anybody tried patchless Click on CentOS?  I have a box with CentOS 5.5
and I can't get past the configure process.  I have tried Vanilla 2.6.35
and CentOS 2.6.18-194.el5 kernels.  I had to apply two of Joonwoo's patches
( https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/pipermail/click/2010-September/009192.html
https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/pipermail/click/2010-September/009193.html ) to
resolve an issue with linux/autoconf.h not being found and inline assembly
usage of keywords like "new."  However, I still get a massive amount of
errors that deal with sk_buff and netdevice as well as header files like
net/if_tap.h, net/if_var.h, net/if_tun.h, net/bpf.h not being found.

I have attached my config.log file just in case.


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