[Click] Modify IPClassifier while running

Eric Liu ewl2113 at columbia.edu
Fri May 21 15:03:41 EDT 2010

Hello, I am attempting to modify IPClassifier's patterns while Click is
running.  At the moment, I am attempting something simple such as changing
the port number in a pattern such as changing "dst udp port 44444, -" to
"dst udp port 66666, -".  I have not been able to do this successfully using
the "config" handler in the "proc" folder for this element.  It does say the
"config" handler is writable by root, but all my attempts to change it have
been met with permission denied errors or I/O errors, including writing
trivial C code to attempt to change the handler.  Also, something simple
like echo does not throw errors, but it will not actually modify the
handler.  Is there something I am missing here?  Thanks.


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