[Click] Regarding Click

ravula at iitg.ernet.in ravula at iitg.ernet.in
Fri Mar 26 08:37:35 EDT 2010

Respected Professor,
I am a student of Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. I am currently
into my final year of my undergraduate program in Computer Science and
Engineering. And my Bachelors Project is "Implementation of a M-OLSR
protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks using Click Modular Router".

M-OLSR is an OLSR equivalent for wireless mesh networks. I came across the
OLSR support at github -PATS research group. I am currently willing to
check out the working of OLSR for MANETS by installing and using nsclick.
But, I don't find much nsclick support online. I could find the click
configuration script and related code at github, but I did not find any
corresponding tcl script so that I could run it on nsclick and check the
working of the protocol. I plan to observe the code and then modify it
according to my protocol. Is it possible to run the OLSR using nsclick?
Could you please tell if there is a tcl script so that I could run OLSR in
nsclick? In case it is not there, could you please tell me how
easy/difficult would it be to write the tcl script? I would be really glad
if you could help me on this.

I am really sorry for the long mail, but I really need this help as it
would assist me to a great extent in implementing my protocol.

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Ravula

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