[Click] nsclick and click-1.4.2

gesareli at inf.uth.gr gesareli at inf.uth.gr
Fri Jul 16 13:52:57 EDT 2010

Hey guys,
I want to use nsclick with click-1.4.2.

However there's no patch for ns, in the click-1.4.2 archive.
Does anyone know anything about this?
Do you have any solution?

What I tried was to apply the patch for ns-2.29 that I found in the archive for
click-1.5.0, and then debug my way out of the ns "install" script (and the
files being compiled) until the installation was "successful".

Trying to test it, I get the following (I just post this last bit here, in case
the installation is ok, and there's some other -possibly simple- problem that
slipped my hazy attention):
$ ./ns tcl/ex/nsclick-simple-wlan.tcl
num_nodes is set 4
wrong # args: should be "_o15 self class proc channel pmodel lltype mactype
qtype qlen iftype anttype topo"
    (Node/MobileNode/ClickNode add-interface line 1)
    invoked from within
"$node_($i) add-interface $chan_1_ $prop_ $netll $netmac  $netifq 1 $netphy
    ("for" body line 10)
    invoked from within
"for {set i 0} {$i < $nodecount } {incr i} {
    set node_($i) [$ns_ node]

    # After creating the node, we add one wireless network interface ..."
    (file "tcl/ex/nsclick-simple-wlan.tcl" line 159)


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