[Click] 1.8.0 RELEASED

Eddie Kohler kohler at cs.ucla.edu
Sun Feb 28 17:08:58 EST 2010


Click 1.8.0 is released.  Thanks to everyone for their contributions and 
patience.  I plan to release 1.8.1 in a month or less, with any bug fixes 
required, as well as more feature requests and patches I was not able to 
include in 1.8.0.

Thanks especially to Joonwoo Park and Cliff Frey.


Version 1.8.0   28.Feb.2010

* Simulation time feature.  By default the Click driver runs in real time:
   Timestamp::now() returns the current time.  But a router-wide "timewarp"
   write handler is available.  Set the "timewarp" handler to 2, and Click
   time appears to move twice as fast as real time.

   Or run "click --simtime".  This runs Click in simulation time.  Time is
   completely divorced from real time.  Timers appear to expire immediately
   (in other words, Click time jumps to the closest timer expiration time).
   Every call to Timestamp::now() increments Click time by epsilon (one
   subsecond).  This turns Click into an event-driven simulator, makes time
   completely deterministic, and makes tests run fast.

* IPRewriter and associated elements rewrite.  This major refactoring adds
   new functionality, robustness, and speed, while reducing memory
   footprint.  A few features are lost, especially hotswapping support, and
   some syntax has changed, FTPPortMapper and ICMPPingRewriter in
   particular.  Thanks to Cliff Frey.

* Initial BETA support for running in UNPATCHED Linux kernels.  Give
   ./configure the --enable-fixincludes option to test this support.  (On
   later kernels, you may need to disable FromHost by adding
   ELEMENT_REQUIRES(false) to the bottom of
   elements/linuxmodule/fromhost.cc.)  Thanks to Harald Schiöberg for ideas.

   Note that Click packages (like etc/samplepackage) don't yet work on
   patchless installs.

* Patch for ns-2.34, thanks to Wim Vandenberghe.

* BETA support for FreeBSD 7.1 kernels, thanks to Nikola Knežević and Simon

* Patch for Intel's e1000e driver from Joonwoo Park.  Thanks!

* Patch for Intel's e1000- driver from Joonwoo Park, work sponsored
   by NemeanNetworks.  Thanks!

* Clicky GUI bug fixes, visual improvements.

* New features: ARPPrint ACTIVE, ARPQuerier POLL_TIMEOUT, ARPResponder
   lookup, add, and remove handlers, Classifier and IPFilter live
   reconfiguration and optimization improvements, ControlSocket advanced TCP
   ports, DecIPTTL MULTICAST and ACTIVE, Discard ACTIVE, FromDevice
   ALIGNMENT, FromUserDevice HEADROOM, ICMPError live reconfiguration, IP
   summary dump ip_dscp and ip_ecn, MarkIPCE FORCE, PullSwitch notification,
   Queue memory barriers, RED has GENTLE false and STABILITY 0, Unqueue
   LIMIT and handlers, click-pretty diagram templates.

* New elements: IP6Encap, MarkMACHeader, QuickNoteQueue, Script, SetIPECN,
   SimpleIdle, SimplePullSwitch.

* Element bug fixes: ARPQuerier/ARPTable (memory corruption bug),
   AthDescEncap, Classifier, FromHost, FromIPSummaryDump, ICMPPingResponder,
   ICMPRewriter, IPClassifier, IPFilter, IPFlowRawSockets, IPNameInfo, IPsec
   elements, KernelTun, linuxmodule device and queue elements (memory
   corruption bugs), Print80211, RadioTapDecap, StaticThreadSched,
   StoreIPAddress, Unqueue, WEPEncap, WifiDefrag.

* Other bug fixes: Timer fairness, select handling in user-level
   multithreaded configurations.

* Internals: IP6Address improvements, String performance and memory-usage
   improvements, avoid strict-aliasing warnings, default to including
   analysis and test elements, new RouterVisitor class for analyzing
   configuration graphs, new algorithms for heap functions, set the random
   seed to a "truly random" value at router configure time, signal handlers
   become more robust, tool improvements to variable scope handling.

* Deprecated features: ElementFilter.

* Thanks to Mark Allman, Bart Braem, Andrew Brampton, Robert Buchholz,
   Roman Chertov, Jens De Wit, Xiaojun Feng, Cliff Frey, Raja Hayek, David
   Johnson, Nikola Knežević, NemeanNetworks, Joonwoo Park, Roberto Riggio,
   Nadi Sarrar, Harald Schiöberg, Simon Schubert, Robert Sombrutzki, Ashish
   Sharma, Seiichi Tetsukawa, Erwin Van de Velde, Wim Vandenberghe, Nick

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