[Click] Duplicate packets

David Sesmero Sáez deivid_sesme at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 16 07:10:04 EST 2010


I'm making a virtual network for develop my project but I have got a problem with packets, if the packets are passed OK through the elements, in Wireshark aren't show well, and If the packets are show well (headers) in Wireshark, through the elements aren't passed OK..., so I did this:


R::RatedSourceMod(DATA "Datos", RATE 1, LIMIT 1000, DATASIZE 64)->ETH::EtherEncapMod(ETHERTYPE 0x0800, SRC 11:11:11:11:11:11, DST 00:ff:0f:fc:96:eb)->Queue->L0::LinkUnqueueMod(LATENCY 0.0,BANDWIDTH 100.0kbps)->tee1[0]->ToHost(tap0);tee1[1]->Queue->ToDevice(tap0)


But with Tee() the packets are duplicated, and when I have a small network if fine, but when network it's bigger.. is not a good solution.

Any ideas to resolve the problem??
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