[Click] confparse bug?

Roman Chertov rchertov at cs.ucsb.edu
Fri Dec 3 14:19:40 EST 2010

I am using Click that I pulled from git yesterday, and there is an interesting
problem with confparse.  I need to use the SetIP6DSCP element which takes a
single mandatory argument, which is the DSCP value.  When I use the script
below, I get an error.

While configuring ‘SetIP6DSCP at 4 :: SetIP6DSCP’:
  too many arguments

As far as I can tell, SetIP6DSCP::configure is never even called.  The failure
happens in confparse.cc on line 4039 because this test passes.

  if (npositional_supplied > npositional && !ignore_rest)
      return errh->error(">too many %ss", argname);

I would like somebody to confirm that the script below fails on their systems
before I start digging into the depth of confparse.cc to see what is going on.


q :: Queue;

src1 :: RatedSource(\<010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101>, LENGTH
22, RATE 1, LIMIT 100)
    -> UDPIP6Encap(SRC 2000:10:1::2, SPORT 6667, DST 2000:20:1::2, DPORT 6667)
    -> SetIP6DSCP(46)
    -> EtherEncap(0x0800, 00:04:23:D0:93:63, 00:17:cb:0d:f8:db)
    -> Unqueue2
    -> q;

q -> Unqueue
  -> Discard;

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