[Click] Help!!! Help!! LinkUnqueue

María Gómez maria_gn1 at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 3 07:56:53 EDT 2009

Hi again!!!

I have a big problem. My configuration lost loses too many packets. The LinkUnqueue element  loses approximately 80,000 packets per 100,000...I don´t know why.

//if you check the values of c5 and c6 (-h c5.count, -h c6.count),you´ll see how many packets the link loses

define($DEV tun0)

r::RatedSource(DATA \<55 44 50 20  70 61 63 6b  65 74 21 0a  04 00 00 00  01 00 00 00  
  01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 80 04 08  00 80 04 08  53 53 00 00
  53 53 00 00  05 00 00 00  00 10 00 00  01 00 00 00  54 53 00 00
  54 e3 04 08  54 e3 04 08  d8 01 00 00>, RATE 10000, LIMIT 100000, STOP true)  //datos = 72    
    -> c::Counter    
    -> SetTimestamp        
    -> DynamicUDPIPEncap(src_addr, 1234, dst_addr, 1234, INTERVAL 10)      //(headerIP 20 + headerUDP 8)
    -> SetUDPChecksum    
    -> SetIPChecksum    
    //-> Print("packet")    
    -> c5::Counter    
    -> q1::Queue(90000) 
    -> l::LinkUnqueue(0.04, 1000 kbps)
        -> q2::Queue(90000)
    -> c6::Counter
    //-> IPPrint("SOURCE", PAYLOAD hex, ID true, TTL true, LENGTH true)            
    -> ToDevice($DEV)

    set tasa $(mul 1000000 $carga),
    print $tasa,
    write r.rate $(div $tasa 100),
    print $(r.rate),
    write r.active true

//other file

define($DEV_SRC tun0, $DEV_DST tun1);

AddressInfo(src_addr, dst_addr;

     -> q1::Queue(200) 
    -> LinkUnqueue(0.04s, 1000 kbps)
        -> q2::Queue(900)
    -> c::Counter        
    -> SetTimestamp    
    -> Unqueue
    -> brs::BandwidthRatedSplitter(1 MBps)    
    -> ToDump(tiempo1.dump, ENCAP IP)            
    //-> Print("rate equal or less than 1 Mbps")

//procesado de paquete
    -> CheckIPHeader                        
    -> ip::IPClassifier(udp,-)            
    -> CheckLength(1500)
    -> GetIPAddress(16)
    -> DropBroadcasts
    -> Null
    -> StripIPHeader
    -> DynamicUDPIPEncap(src_addr, 1234, dst_addr, 1234, INTERVAL 10)          
     -> q3::Queue(200) 
    -> LinkUnqueue(0.04s, 1000 kbps)
        -> q4::Queue(300)
    -> ToDevice($DEV_DST)

//-> Print("greather than 1 Mbps")
-> q_overflow::Queue -> d::Discard;
ip[1]->q_overflow                        //other dst

//other file

define($DEV tun1);

     -> q1::Queue(200) 
    -> LinkUnqueue(0.04s, 1000 kbps)
        -> q2::Queue(200)
    -> c::Counter    
    //-> Print("SINK")
    //-> IPPrint("HOLA",CONTENTS 'ASCII', ID true, TTL true, LENGTH true)            
    -> ToDump (tiempo2.dump, ENCAP IP)
    -> d::Discard    


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