[Click] Help!! Madwifi Monitor Mode vs Ad-Hoc Mode... Annotations?

g91d5350 at campus.ru.ac.za g91d5350 at campus.ru.ac.za
Thu Sep 3 05:08:50 EDT 2009

Hello again, Clickers

I need some assistance...

The click script below creates a "station" device and does very little  
with it.  When I run this script on two nodes in Ad-Hoc mode, it works  
fine.  When I run it in Madwifi's Monitor mode, it doesn't work...

FromHost(station, // use a different IP for each node!
-> Print("FromHost")
-> Queue
-> to_dev :: ToDevice (ath0);

FromDevice(ath0, PROMISC true)
// 802.11 headers configured in MadWifi, so there's no need for PrismDecap etc
-> Print("FromDevice")
//-> CheckIPHeader(14)
//-> GetIPAddress(16)
-> ToHost(station);

Before anybody jumps on me, I know that I'm doing dubious things here.  
  I know that under Ad-hoc mode the wireless driver will convert my  
Ethernet frames into 802.11 frames.  Under Monitor mode, I am  
transmitting raw Ethernet frames - which is what I want for this  
experiment.  I know too that I should filter incoming packets to  
differentiate between my data and other traffic (such as spurious  
beacons and 802.11 traffic)... I'll get there...

I use PING to test whether I can communicate over the "station"  
device.  Pings work fine in ad-hoc mode, but in monitor mode they  
don't.  My packets appear to arrive at the recipient OK - I print them  
after FromDevice().  But it seems like Linux loses the packets after  

I have a suspicion that Linux might be silently dropping my packets  
because they are not correctly annotated.  On a whim, I tried adding a  
GetIPAddress(16) - but that didn't help.

Am I missing something?  I spent until 1-o-clock this morning trying  
to figure this stuff out.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

- Kevin

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