[Click] nsclick: no AlignmentInfo available

gowri cp jrrtolkienfan at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 15:54:13 EDT 2009


I installed nsclick by following the instructions listed on
http://read.cs.ucla.edu/click/nsclick i.e., the ones for
ns-allinone-2.29.3.tar.gz and click 1.5.0. I understand this is an ancient
version and to this regard my first question is:

If I want to install click 1.7.0, what version of ns-allinone do I need?

If I need to survive with what I have, where can I find a list of and
download all patches and updates to ns and/or click.

After following the instructions on the nsclick page, I have faced only two
issues which I was able to fix by applying two patches to the ns patch. One
of these changed some code netmodel.cc, editview.cc and group.cc and the
other was a tcl fix that changed:
$wirelessmac $netifq 1 $wirelessphy $antenna
$wirelessmac $netifq 1 $wirelessphy $antenna $wtopo

Everything else is unchanged and I have applied no other patches. When I
ns  nsclick-simple-wlan.tcl this is what I see:

num_nodes is set 4
nsclick-simple-lan.click:34: While configuring 'u/class :: Classifier':
  no AlignmentInfo available: you may experience unaligned accesses
Router could not be initialized!

My gcc version on Ubuntu 8.10 is : gcc version 4.3.2 (Ubuntu

Could somebody please help me.


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