[Click] How to write to /proc in a click element

Javier Sánchez javier.recacha at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 16:54:13 EDT 2009


First, now i re-read the code u send at first post and after Harald
commentaries i understand better your code modifications, its like
having a "iwconfig ath1 channel x" inside the driver, that executes
just at the moment and within the packet of interest. Nice!

Obviously if u abuse of this packet the device will be blocking and
reseting queues a lot, and this sounds a little weird, but what the
hell , if it is working for you! its ok.

jeje nice questions, ok, i try:




Sounds good, it is the desired behavior, and the expected timing.

It should be useful to put 2 monitor devices, one at channel 6 and one
at channel 11, and verify that each one is receiving the corresponding


No, TX hardware queues are always used from 1-9 depending of using
802.11e, beacon queues, etc. To transmit, u send a packet to tx
hardware queue. For monitor mode look at ath_tx_startraw() in ath.c,
it prepares some descriptors and send the packet to queue.

For me sounds good, u couldn't change the channel during the retry
phase, in this phase the packet is in the firmware , the firmware is
doing the retries, and the code involved in changing the channel is
waiting the firmware to finish current retries. Then it locks the
device , change the channel and unlocks the device.

No problem here, your result looks nice.

Another interesting experiment should be to send burst packets, and
one of this burst packets signaling a change of channel, u should try
to look if the change of channel happens at desired packet.


PD if this driver is working send a copy (if it is legally possible)
to Ashishs, after read all these "short" mails he deserves the gift.

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