[Click] DHCP in linuxmodule

Fadjar Tandabawana fadjar at tst-indonesia.com
Wed Jul 15 11:33:05 EDT 2009

Dear Mr. Kohler,

I found one error in DHCP package when I compile in linuxmodule in file

This is the original version of dhcpoptionutil.cc

at line 70:

uint32_t rand_exp_backoff(uint32_t backoff_center)
    uint32_t dice = click_random();
    if (dice <= RAND_MAX / 3)
	return backoff_center - 1;
    else if (dice <= (RAND_MAX / 3) * 2)
	return backoff_center;
	return backoff_center + 1;

I made some search in the click/glue.hh and I found that the RAND_MAX
should be CLICK_RAND_MAX

uint32_t rand_exp_backoff(uint32_t backoff_center)
    uint32_t dice = click_random();
    if (dice <= CLICK_RAND_MAX / 3)
	return backoff_center - 1;
    else if (dice <= (CLICK_RAND_MAX / 3) * 2)
	return backoff_center;
	return backoff_center + 1;

Then, no error occured anymore.


Fadjar Tandabawana
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