[Click] Lost bytes

María Gómez maria_gn1 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 14 10:12:45 EDT 2009

Hi again,

somebody could tell me why i lost 4 bytes every time that the packets travel from a click script to another one (in the same computer)
I work in userlevel.

My configuration


//other .click

-> SetTimestamp
->brs::BandwidthRatedSplitter(1000 bps)
->ToDump(time1.dump, ENCAP IP)
->Print("tasa menor que  1000")

brs[1]->Print("tasa mayor que 1000")->Discard

//the other script

->ToDump(time2.dumo, ENCAP IP)

Other question: when I set DELAY= 0.16 in the LinkUnqueu element, the configuration lost 3/4 packets.
I am confused with as much loss


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