[Click] Problem when using click-pretty

Shuai Zhang jwlandy at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 12 21:06:50 EDT 2008

I installed click with kernel level(,
When I run
[root at lincoln ~]# click-pretty --dot /root/prob3.click >/root/prob3.png

I can't open prob3.png with any graphic tool,and 'vi'shows like below:

digraph clickrouter {
  node [shape=record,height=.1]
  edge [arrowhead=normal,arrowtail=none,tailclip=false]
  "FromDump at 1" [label="{FromDump|{<o0>}}"];
  "CheckIPHeader at 2" [label="{{<i0>}|CheckIPHeader|{<o0>}}"];
  "i1" [label="{{<i0>}|IPClassifier|{<o0>|<o1>|<o2>|<o3>}}"];
  "CheckTCPHeader at 4" [label="{{<i0>}|CheckTCPHeader|{<o0>}}"];
  "ttl" [label="{{<i0>}|IPClassifier|{<o0>|<o1>}}"];
  "cl" [label="{{<i0>}|CheckLength|{<o0>}}"];
  "ip" [label="{{<i0>}|IPClassifier|{<o0>|<o1>|<o2>|<o3>}}"];
  "CheckUDPHeader at 8" [label="{{<i0>}|CheckUDPHeader|{<o0>}}"];
  "CheckICMPHeader at 9" [label="{{<i0>}|CheckICMPHeader|{<o0>}}"];
  "ICMPError at 10" [label="{{<i0>}|ICMPError|{<o0>}}"];
  "ToDump at 11" [label="{{<i0>}|ToDump}"];
  "ToDump at 12" [label="{{<i0>}|ToDump}"];
  "ToDump at 13" [label="{{<i0>}|ToDump}"];
  "ToDump at 14" [label="{{<i0>}|ToDump}"];
  "ToDump at 15" [label="{{<i0>}|ToDump}"];
  "FromDump at 1":o0 -> "CheckIPHeader at 2":i0;
  "CheckIPHeader at 2":o0 -> "i1":i0;
  "i1":o0 -> "CheckTCPHeader at 4":i0;
  "CheckTCPHeader at 4":o0 -> "ttl":i0;
  "ttl":o0 -> "cl":i0;
  "cl":o0 -> "ip":i0;
  "i1":o1 -> "CheckUDPHeader at 8":i0;
  "CheckUDPHeader at 8":o0 -> "ttl":i0;
  "i1":o2 -> "CheckICMPHeader at 9":i0;
  "CheckICMPHeader at 9":o0 -> "ttl":i0;
  "i1":o3 -> "ttl":i0;
  "ttl":o1 -> "ICMPError at 10":i0;
  "ICMPError at 10":o0 -> "ToDump at 11":i0;
  "ip":o0 -> "ToDump at 12":i0;
  "ip":o1 -> "ToDump at 13":i0;
  "ip":o2 -> "ToDump at 14":i0;
  "ip":o3 -> "ToDump at 15":i0;
1.did I use the wrong command?
2.if the *.png is OK, how can I see it?

PS:Have you ever used click!it,?I met a problem with it
First I run
[root at localhost ~]click-install test-ping.click
and it worked,I could see the reaction with 'dmesg'
then When I run
[root at localhost ~]#java -jar /usr/src/clickit/ClickItServer.jar

There is no response and it just suspend like above.
then when I run ClickItClient.jar  in another terminal, the window of client opens,but I could not connect to localhost[55555].
it just show 
'java.net.connectException:connetction Refused:connect'


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