[Click] click - ping utility

Kostas Pelechrinis kpele_ntua at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 18:16:43 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I am pretty new to using click so this question might seem simple to some people :) and I would like to ask your help for this.  I am trying to create my own ping utility using click.  I want to use the wireless interface ath0 in order to ping another wireless node.  I have written the following configuration file

-> AddSeqno()
-> EtherEncap(0x8000, 00:02:6F:3E:2F:6D, 00:02:6F:3E:2F:5B)
-> WifiEncap(0x00, 0:0:0:0:0:0)
-> SetTXPower(63)
-> AthdescEncap()
-> ToDevice(ath0)

It seems that the source is sending out packets but when I am doing tcpdump at the receiver the packets do not seem to be icmp type.  As a result i don't get any ICMP_ECHO_REPLY back.  What I wanted to ask you is if I need to write any specific configuration for the receiver as well.  Also how can I print the statistics at the sender side as well?

Thanks a lot for your help on this,


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