[Click] Doxygen documentation for the clicknet headers?

Bart Braem bart.braem at ua.ac.be
Wed Feb 27 08:04:50 EST 2008

Dear list,

Our students asked where to find the ip.h documentation and I noticed the 
doxygen documentation is not generated for it. Is there a reason for that? 
Will it break the documentation?
I tried enabling that directory in the Doxyfile but nothing was included. In 
fact, with the standard Doxyfile I can not even generate documentation for 
packet.hh, am I missing something?

Bart Braem
PATS research group - IBBT
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Antwerp
Campus Middelheim, G3.30
Middelheimlaan 1
B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)3 265.32.91
Fax: +32 (0)3 265.37.77
Web: www.pats.ua.ac.be/bart.braem
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