[Click] [PATCH] patches for linux 2.6.24

Egi, Norbert n.egi at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Feb 7 13:01:14 EST 2008

Hi Joonwoo and Adam,
I tested your patches with the latest e1000 driver, for which I just created the patch to support Click polling, (it seemed easier to patch this latest driver than to fix the patch of the version 7.3.20). So, PollDevice now works, although there is an assertion issue when I install or uninstall a script, but apart from that packet forwarding seems to be stable. I'll trace this assertion problem...
I also tested Click multithreading, which also worked, but somehow all the 8 cores I have in the machine seem to be busy (not all at 100%) even though I only have 6 Click threads. However, when I manually assign the threads each to a separate core, only 6 cores seem to be loaded (which is normal), so this might be somehow related to the Linux scheduler. Do you know whether they have changed anything in the Linux scheduler that makes this behaviour normal or the click patch is more likely to be incomplete? The performances look alright in both cases, at least with that single configuration I've tested so far.
If somebody could test the driver patch in his/her system and let me know how it works, that would be great.


From: click-bounces at pdos.csail.mit.edu on behalf of Joonwoo Park
Sent: Tue 2/5/2008 08:11
To: click at pdos.csail.mit.edu
Subject: [Click] [PATCH] patches for linux 2.6.24

This is a version of click for the 2.6.24 linux.
Lots of the work was done by Adam Greenhalgh and I just peppered on it.
This is a very raw version, I think much more fix might be needed.

I didn't work for e1000 and platforms except the x86-32.
fyi, I'm attaching my config for linux

things tested (a few):
 build & install on my x86 laptop (thinkpad t60)
 simple FromDevice
 simple ToDevice


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