[Click] undefined symbol in own package

Bayani Carbone b.carbone at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Aug 20 09:35:24 EDT 2008

Hi, I've created my own package with my own elements. When I run click 
on my own machine (2.6.24) everything works fine. However, I'm trying to 
run click with my package on a Soekris box ( . I get the 
following error:

click script.click
While loading package 'bam':
 package /.../lib/bam.uo: undefined symbol: 
requirement 'bam' not available

I've installed click on the box and recompiled my package there too. I 
also included click/vector.hh in my .hh files and click/vector.cc in my 
.cc files.

Can anyone help?

Thank you,


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