[Click] 1.6.0: PLEASE TEST! Release on weekend

Eddie Kohler kohler at cs.ucla.edu
Wed Sep 12 16:22:46 EDT 2007

Hello all,

Click 1.6.0 will be released over the weekend.  Any bugs that remain in the 
source code then will be a part of 1.6.0.  Please help make the release good 
by *testing the current code and reporting any bugs you find*.

Many changes have been made in the last two weeks.  Some of those changes came 
from the list, some did not.  Some changes were made as a result of 
documentation effort (check out the Doxygen pages at 
http://www.read.cs.ucla.edu/click/doxygen ; new stuff includes StringAccum, 
EWMA, and confparse.hh).  Many of the changes have been mentioned on list, but 
not all.  If you have some regression tests you can run, please run them!  Let 
us know what's wrong.

Some mails have not been acted on.
- A bunch of people sent in revised gen_config_roofnet.sh, but there is no 
consensus on which one should win.
- "Polling problems with Intel 82571EB", because of supposed performance 
problems with the patch.
- Roman Chertov's ToDevice patch (waiting on confirmation of problem).

If you think I've missed something, send mail to the list.

Thanks, all.

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