[Click] element_provides and element_requires

Nele Gheysens nele.gheysens at intec.ugent.be
Mon Jul 2 03:31:16 EDT 2007


I tried to apply the following FAQ from the trains website:

/How can I make Click compile a C++ file that doesn't contain an element?
Add an ELEMENT_PROVIDES statement to your .cc file. The Click build 
process searches for C and C++ files with 'ELEMENT_PROVIDES' as well as 
'EXPORT_ELEMENT'. You'll have to come up with a one-word tag describing 
the functionality that your .cc file provides. See the end of 
'elements/userlevel/fakepcap.cc' for an example; it looks like this:
Elements that use the 'FakePcap' functionality explicitly require it 
with ELEMENT_REQUIRES; see 'elements/userlevel/fromdump.cc' for an 

I followed this example, but I get a whole bunch of linker errors. Does 
anyone have some experience with this?
The files on which I tried this used to be the include and lib map and 
they didn't cause any problems.


Nele Gheysens

Nele Gheysens
Ghent University - IBCN
Department of Information Technology
Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201
9050 Gent, Belgium
E-mail: nele.gheysens at intec.UGent.be
Tel. +32 9 33 14981
secr.: +32 (0) 9 33 14900
fax :   +32 (0) 9 33 14899
WWW: http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be

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