[Click] Nsclick optimalization in todevice

Wim Vandenberghe wim.vandenberghe at intec.ugent.be
Fri Jan 12 07:35:46 EST 2007


because my nsclick simulations took a long time to complete, I analysed 
them using a profiler, and i discovered that the main problem was that 
the run_task of the tosimdevice whas called a lot, and that it tried to 
pull upstream, even if there were no elements available in the queues 
before it.

So i added a notifier to the tosimdevice (like in a unqueue), so that 
the task will only be scheduled if there is a packet available upstream. 
First results where very promising, simulations were performed five 
times faster then before. I have included the changed tosimdevice 
sources in attachment, maybe some more people could test this code and 
verify if this speeds up their simulations, and if the simulation 
results are still the same.

Kind regards,

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