[Click] Issue with Intra-node Click Packets dropped by Kernel

dmoore7@nd.edu dmoore7 at nd.edu
Tue Dec 4 09:00:45 EST 2007


After further testing, it appears that if I change the source of the incoming
PING to a non-local IP (StoreIPAddress(<IP of N2>, src), for example), that the
packet is NOT dropped, and a PING reply is generated, although it is sent to the
wrong node (ie. to the node who's address I claimed the packet came from).  This
is without any modification to the actual MAC address, which remains correct
after I change the IP address.

Thus it appears that Linux ignores packets destined for itself (by IP address)
if the source is a device it controls itself.  I am not yet sure how I will
work around this, as sending packets to myself (from one spoofed device to
another) is essential.

Again, any ideas and input are appreciated.
 - David Moore

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