[Click] ROOFNET AND CLICK!! compile fails

Nicola Arnoldi nicola.arnoldi at dit.unitn.it
Fri Oct 27 13:15:04 EDT 2006

I managed to build di mipsel version of click.
Anyway, I discovered that roofnet.uo hasn't been built.
I followed the instructions at 

Just to be more precise referring to my previous message:
1. if I follow literally the instructions at 
http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/roofnet/doku.php?id=software, firstly the ln 
-s are broken, and secondly it won't build at all.
2. if I manage to move the content of the elements/roofnet folder to the 
elements/wifi folder no roofnet.uo is created and when I try to invoke 
it from a click script it hangs saying that roofnet.uo is required.

Is there anyone willing to describe in detail the exact procedure to 
build click with roofnet (possibly working).

Help needed!

Nicola Arnoldi
MSN:   dustnic82 at hotmail.com
Skype: nicola.arnoldi

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