[Click] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address

Paine, Thomas Asa PAINETA at uwec.edu
Wed Oct 25 16:42:13 EDT 2006

Ok, I started a long email but soon realized it would be confusing as
hell, so let me try the quick and dirty post first :)

	I'm getting oops, with EIP always pointing to HashMap.insert.
However, the call trace can differ (somewhat) and the top of the call
trace is not always in a method using HashMap.insert (.find though).
Eliminating calls seen in the trace seems to have no affect on
preventing an oops.  Are there any open issues/changes with HashMap?  Is
this a memory allocation error?  Possible incorrect kernel setting?
Anyone have troubleshooting recommendations for this error?  I've
attached my current kernel config for  I'm not 100% sure this
has anything to do specifically with hashmap, or if it is just hashmap
manifesting the error, for whatever the real reason might be.  

Looking for some guidance, thanks.

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address f9291c89
 printing eip:
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000 [#1]
Modules linked in: tms click proclikefs e1000
CPU:    1
EIP:    0060:[<e08eea67>]    Tainted: P      VLI
EFLAGS: 00010282   ( #3)
EIP is at _ZN7HashMapIjjE6insertERKjS2_+0x57/0xe2 [tms]
eax: 00003fff   ebx: 00007fff   ecx: dff152c0   edx: f9291c89
esi: dfa23520   edi: 000066de   ebp: df703c88   esp: df703c48
ds: 007b   es: 007b   ss: 0068
Process bash (pid: 1030, threadinfo=df702000 task=c1b76a50)
Stack: <0>e08e135f dfa23520 dfa93a00 dfb67180 dfa939c0 df703c88 e08e1706
       df703c88 df703cac dfb67180 00000001 00000004 00000000 00000000
       652a1c89 dfa939c0 00000000 df703cb0 dfa939c0 dfe69760 e08e181e
Call Trace:
 [<e08e135f>] _ZN16BlacklistElement14is_whitelistedEm+0x5f/0xc6 [tms]
 [<e08e1706>] _ZN16BlacklistElement9addToListER6Stringj+0x172/0x1c8
+0xc2/0x144 [tms]
xcc [click]
xcc [click]
 [<e08e9c48>] _ZN13TMSController4listEm6String+0x6a/0x1de [tms]
 [<e0c438e4>] click_lalloc+0x3c/0x3e [click]
 [<e0c3c4a2>] _ZN6String4MemoC1Eii+0x24/0x2c [click]
 [<e08ec238>] _ZN13TMSController14whitelist_cidrE6String+0xa8/0xde [tms]
21a/0x2e2 [tms]
 [<e0c438e4>] click_lalloc+0x3c/0x3e [click]
 [<e0c3c4a2>] _ZN6String4MemoC1Eii+0x24/0x2c [click]
 [<e0c3c57a>] _ZN6String14append_garbageEi+0xa4/0x150 [click]
 [<e0c438e4>] click_lalloc+0x3c/0x3e [click]
 [<e0c3ce8d>] _ZN6String6appendEPKci+0x2f/0x76 [click]
 [<e0cc26e7>] handler_flush+0x577/0x57e [click]
 [<c0159c49>] filp_close+0x28/0x6d
 [<c016d1c6>] sys_dup2+0xc5/0xee
 [<c0102cb9>] syscall_call+0x7/0xb
Code: d2 74 17 3b 0a 75 f5 8b 4c 24 24 8b 01 89 42 04 31 c0 83 c4 08 5b
5e 5f 5d c3 8b 46 0c 3b 46 10 73 41 8b 4e 14 8b 11 85 d2 74 5a <8b> 02
89 01 89 d3 8b 45 00 89 03 8b 4c 24 24 8b 01 89 43 04 8d

   Thomas Paine (paineta at uwec.edu) 
   University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire 
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