[Click] Click 1.5.0 released

Eddie Kohler kohler at cs.ucla.edu
Fri May 19 21:20:23 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the release of Click 1.5.0, available here:


Highlights include much improved Linux 2.6 kernel module support  
(including add-on packages), a very fast IP lookup element, new  
packages in the click-packages release (including SNMP and Netflow  
support donated by Mazu Networks), and more.  See the NEWS file,  
summarized below.  Since 1.4.3, several changes have been made to  
Click's internals that will require you to update your elements; see  
the summary in NEWS.

We hope that most serious Click users will continue to use our  
anonymous CVS repository, but it feels good anyway to make a release  
from time to time.

Please let us know if you encounter any bugs, and happy hacking!

Version 1.5.0   19.May.2006

* Linux kernel module support, including support for packages.

* click-packages-1.5.0 supports SNMP and Netflow (donated by Mazu  
   and multicast (preliminary).

* IP routing element improvements, including new, gloriously fast
   DirectIPLookup element (Marko Zec with kohler).

* Add new Script element, basically replacing PokeHandlers and
   DriverManager, with support for programmability and signal handling;
   check it out.

* New elements: ChangeUID, ListenEtherSwitch, RawSocket, Socket,  
   ARPPrint and CheckARPHeader (Jose Maria Gonzalez), many wifi  

* Deprecated elements: FromRawSocket, FromSocket, PokeHandlers,  

* Polling version of Intel's e1000-5.7.6 driver.

* Bug fixes and extensions to many elements, including ARPQuerier,
   EtherSwitch, FromDAGDump, FromDevice (userlevel), ICMPPingSource,
   IPAddrRewriter, IPFilter/IPClassifier, IPPrint, LinkUnqueue,
   RandomBitErrors, RatedUnqueue, SetTimestamp, ToDevice (kernel and
   userlevel), ToIPSummaryDump.

* Integrated nsclick patch, and improved nsclick (Michael Voorhaen, Bart
   Braem, kohler).

* x86_64 support.

* Wifi (bicket)

** Most wifi elements have been removed from the repository.  They  
will be
    added back later as a separate package in click-packages.

* Internals

** Initiate Doxygen documentation for important base types, such as
    Element, String, Notifier, and so forth.  This project is not  
    as each class gets Doxygenated its interface tends to change, so be

** Add new port_count() method, allowing elements to declare how many  
    they support.  This replaces Element::set_ninputs(), set_noutputs(),
    add_input(), add_output(), notify_ninputs(), and notify_noutputs(),
    which are all now deprecated.

** Add RAW handler flag, for handlers whose output should not be  
    (for example, no adding a courtesy newline).

** Element::run_timer takes a Timer * argument.  The old version is

** Add a new, general mechanism for named enumerations (such as IP
    protocols, TCP/UDP ports, addresses, and so forth), NameInfo/NameDB.

** Add ELEMENT_LIBS support, so an element can pull in a static library.

** Many bug fixes.

** Diagram library improvements.

* Thanks to Dan Aguayo, Mark Allman, Bart Braem, Kristof Cauwel, Spencer
   Chang, YenJung Chang, Jacky Cheng, Beyers Cronje, Weidong Cui, Anne
   Dudfield, Brian Gallaway, Michael Gellman, Chema Gonzalez, Andrew
   Gorelik, Adam Greenhalgh, Jason Haas, Trevor Harrison, Felipe  
Huici, Bart
   Jooris, Srikanth Kandula, Bob Keyes, Kevin Lahey, Dagang Li, Nikitas
   Liogkas, Yun Mao, Ross Mcilroy, Alastair McKinley, Indian Mogul,  
   Paine, Ruoming Pang, Juncheol Park, Vern Paxson, Michael Voorhaen,
   Michael Walfish, Nick Weaver, Qinghua Ye, Marko Zec, and anyone else
   whose name was forgotten.

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