[Click] click timers

Ges ges_george at yahoo.com
Fri May 5 23:13:25 EDT 2006

Hi Eddie,
I have some doubt about Click timers. I am trying to do a TDMA kind  
of implementation for a GNU Radio port I wrote for Click.

I need the two machines I use to transmit in certain time slots. Can  
I do this using click timers? I mean if I say for one machine  
scheduler timer after 11 secs and subsequently reshedule after every  
5 secs ; on the other machine I say schedule first at 13 secs and  
subsequently every 5 secs reschedule..will it work?

I tried it but I see that both nodes transmit at the same time. Is my  
understanding of Click timers wrong?  I need to ensure that when I  
start Click on both machines, neither transmits simultaneously.

I am sorry for dropping a direct mail. I am a bit time constrained  
for a final thesis work and I am unable to find a way to get this to  

I really appreciate the help.

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