[Click] Click timers

Ges ges_george at yahoo.com
Fri May 5 16:07:07 EDT 2006

Hi ,

Can someone help me with Click timers. 

I am trying to synchronise time between 2 machines. This is for my port of GNURadio to Click. 
I have transmit elements running on 2 machines - to send packets. 

I run Click at the same time on both the machines - such that on one the transmit element fires initially after 11 secs and on the other after 13 secs. After that, these elements get rescheduled at an interval of 5 secs. But after the first trasmission on both the transmit elements, the transmissions start over lapping - for example.
at time time + 11 secs - Machine 1 transmits
at time time + 13secs - machine 2 transmits

eveyrthing is fine, no corruption of packets.

now, at time + (11+5) - machine 1 should transmit
at time time + (13+5) - machine 2 should transmit

but machine one and machine 2 trasmits at (almost) the same time causing packet corruption - i tried a larger time gap but that did not help.

The current "time" is synced on both the machines - atleast to a second.

For the initial firing of the timer i use schedule_after_sec(), for rescheduing I use reschedule_after_sec() function.

Is there any way for me to ensure that the timers do not overlap. Basically, I am trying to do a TDMA, such that each tramistter transmits in a different time slot.


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