[Click] Encryption Functions

Jason Haas jjhaas at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 15:22:12 EST 2006

I'm trying to write a couple elements which will use encryption in a
protocol we're developing.  I'm attempting to port some AES code from Brian
Gladman (http://fp.gladman.plus.com/AES/index.htm ), but it needs to run in
the linux kernel module code.  Everything compiles fine and I've added a
number of ELEMENT_REQUIRES(...) to the source files to make sure they're
being compiled and included in my elements, but when it comes to inserting
the test.click configuration supplied with click, I get the following under
both 2.4 and 2.6 kernels

click:  Unknown symbol t_in
click:  Unknown symbol t_fn
click:  Unknown symbol t_im
click:  Unknown symbol t_fl
click:  Unknown symbol t_il
click:  Unknown symbol t_rc

The only place these pieces of text show up are in the compiled object
files.  My guess is that there are some function calls somewhere in the code
to functions that are not accessable in the kernel, but not being able to
resolve these symbols to actual code has me stumped.  I've turned on all the
kernel debugging options that I thought relevant, and the symbols are the
same.  If anyone has a suggestion for resolving these symbols, or if there's
something I'm missing, any help would be appreciated.

I haven't found any discussion of using encryption in click, which makes me
wonder if I'm missing something obvious.  So, alternatively, if there's an
easier way to do encryption in the kernel than trying to port this code, I'd
appreciate some pointers.



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