[Click] Howto find the elemet that generete the kernel oops?

Torquato Bertani torquato at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 05:08:27 EST 2006

I have a kernel oops like the one at the end of email, how can I find
which click element generate it? I'm running click as kernel module.
In my oops I can't see the name of functions called but only memory
positions, why? I read some posts and all kernel oops reported have
the name of the function in the Call Trace.
I don't have much experience in linux kernel modules debugging, maybe
this is the problem :)

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00020021 printing eip:
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c8896490>]    Tainted: P
EFLAGS: 00010206
eax: 00020021   ebx: 00000000   ecx: 0000000c   edx: c7e52320
esi: c6ccb9a0   edi: c65c0000   ebp: c65a3d0c   esp: c65a3cf4
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process kclick (pid: 285, stackpage=c65a3000)
Stack: 0000000c 0200000a 0200000a c68832e0 0200000a c6ccb9a0 c65a3d2c c886fe51
       c65c0000 c6ccb9a0 c6ccb9a0 00000000 0200000a c66b8ce4 c65a3d5c c88b0640
       c68832e0 00000000 c6ccb9a0 c66b8cb4 00b90d00 00000000 00000001 c6578440
Call Trace:    [<c886fe51>] [<c88b0640>] [<c886fe51>] [<c886fe51>] [<c886fe51>]
  [<c886fe51>] [<c886fe51>] [<c886fe51>] [<c886fe51>] [<c88c38d5>] [<c88c38d5>]
  [<c89b02e0>] [<c886fe51>] [<c886fe51>] [<c89acd28>] [<c886fe51>] [<c88d3d9c>]
  [<c88b9af5>] [<c888349c>] [<c88835bb>] [<c8932306>] [<c0107216>] [<c8932288>]

Code: 89 10 89 97 44 04 00 00 c7 42 20 00 00 00 00 e9 3a ff ff ff

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