[Click] Silly question and bug report...

Nicholas Weaver nweaver at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Apr 27 14:59:01 EDT 2006

a)  Minor bug report.  

	If click-buildtool can't properly create an element because
something it requires doesn't exist, it currently just ignores the
element without producing any report/notice of the error.

	(this was what my problem was).

b)  Silly question, what replaces...

    virtual void notify_ninputs(int) CLICK_ELEMENT_PORT_COUNT_DEPRECATED;
    virtual void notify_noutputs(int) CLICK_ELEMENT_PORT_COUNT_DEPRECATED;

etc?  Is there a guide to changes between the release version and the
current CVS snapshot?


Nicholas C. Weaver                               nweaver at icsi.berkeley.edu
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