[Click] newbie click programming question

Harry Lasas lasasffl at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 11 21:04:42 EDT 2005

I briefly RTFM and now tried something that doesn't

I am just trying to set up WTP algorithm on Click and
need the waiting time of the packet at the head of a
queue for that. I understand I can simply set packet
timestamp annotation in the Click config file and then
try to do some (* gasp *:) arithmetic on that to get
the waiting time.

I created a queue that inherits from simplequeue and
am trying to access the timestamp of the head packet
with something like

Packet * p = head();
currentTime = p->timestamp_anno();

But it keeps seg faulting. Any idea why? Is there a
better way to do what I am trying? Thank you.

Harry Lasas

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