[Click] click classifier

Tomas Mahoney tomasmahoney at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 11 19:37:36 EDT 2005

hello clicksters...

i need to use about 3000 say basic patterns in the
IPClassifier (Classifier) element. 

i will probably run some tests but in the meanwhile, 

- any ideas about much this will affect overhead or
slow down click?

- do u think the classifier element will be able to
handle several 1000 patterns or was it not built for
that? any ideas on potential ways to improve it for my

- how does changing the size of MAX_DLIST, the bounded
number of paths per state, affect performance?

- what is the relation between IPFilter element and

- it appears the classifier element uses some
dominator optimization stuff which i have no clue
about and am just starting to read up on. any tips on
how the dominator algorithm stuff is applied to


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