[Click] Re:new to click

Lesedi lesedi.kgosietsile at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 05:21:57 EDT 2005

Hie.I have a problem with using click.I was told by it by a good stranger
and I think it will end up solving my problem if i understand it more.I have
read many documents,installed it and I am trying to now run it.The problem
is finding a good example of a router.I tried running the 'fake
ip-router'and its saying 'out0 Queue overflow'.

What I am trying to do is,to emulate an optical bustifier.I am trying to
maake a router which will be able to queue up packets of the same
destination and make them into a burst.So my problem now is trying to write
a router.just a normal router so that i could modify it to be able to make
the burst.

Since the fake-ip router is not working i am not sure if the routers should
look like it or not.If not could I please have an example of a normal
working router to use it as a reference to making the bustifier router.

Thanking you in advance


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