[Click] wifi and madwifi.stripped

John Bicket jbicket at amsterdam.lcs.mit.edu
Thu May 12 02:36:43 EDT 2005

I have been incorporating the changes from the madwifi.stripped
driver into the actual madwifi driver.  As a result, I won't
be maintaining the madwifi.stripped driver any longer.

Instead of making the device driver send and receive raw 802.11
packets on the normal device (ie. athX), I have added a second "phony"
device to the madwifi driver that handles all of that (called athXraw).
This allows the use of the normal 802.11 stack as well as the ability
to run other protocols (ie roofnet) at the same time. If you want to
bypass the normal 802.11 stack you can use monitor mode, which
still allows packet transmission using the raw interface.

The code is currently in the madwifi BSD branch, which you can checkout
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/madwifi co -r
BSD madwifi

You must use a sysctl to activate the rawdevice if you are running the
/sbin/sysctl -w dev.ath0.rawdev=1

Also, you can make the rawdevice use headers in addition
to just 802.11 frames. You can run
/sbin/sysctl -w dev.ath0.rawdev_type=X
where X is
0: raw 802.11 frames
1: prism headers (ie you can use PrismEncap/PrismDecap)
2: radiotap headers (ie you can use RadiotapEncap/RadiotapDecap)


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