[Click] help with click packet structure and push, pull mechanism

Ges ges_george at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 10 23:32:33 EDT 2005

Hi Eddie,

I am trying to use click to work on software radios (i
think i already mentioned this in an earlier mail).

I am trying to write click elements (something similar
to FromDevice) that read data streams from a device.
>From the device, I dont get packets, i get data
streams which i will convert into packets at a later
stage. To convert the streams into packets, i have to
write elements that work on demodulation, decoding
(PHY properties) etc. 

I have to find some way of making Click understand
these streams (could be a vector of diff data types)
instead of packets. 

I see 3 ways of doing this...
1. include in class Element push(), pull() that
understands a different type other than packet. and
define this type!

2. modify the packet class to include vector of these
data streams (but i am not sure how i can later change
the "packet" that includes my data stream to an actual

3. simply define a new type and forcefully cast it
into a packet so that Click does not crib.

I am not sure which is the best way to approach the
problem. Am i missing something here? is there a much
cleaner way to do this?

Please help.

Thank you

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