[Click] packet aggregation at MAC layer in wireless ad hoc n/w simulations using ns-2.27 version!

Raja Sombhotla rajagopal_452 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 28 01:39:33 EDT 2005

Dear all,

I am a newbie to nsclick. I have been simulating wireless ad hoc simulations in ns-2.27.

Can anyone please tell me if packet aggregation is possible at the MAC layer level in wireless
simulations in ns-2 using Click. When i have two or more than two source generators (CBR or VBR) attached to the same node generating packets, can they be aggregated at the MAC level and sent as a single unit to reduce the overhead? I suppose this can be done using nsclick, Isn't it? Also is there a separate patch of click available for ns version 2.27? Please let me know if there is any literature available on this or how to implement this scheme. Any idea is grately appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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