[Click] New TCP connection

Indian Mogul indian_mogul at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 19 01:37:55 EDT 2004

Hi Eddie, 

      I am stuck in some conceptual packet flow in
click implementation. I have the following packet flow
diagram inside click: 

Incoming TCP connection (from client) -> TCP
Termination  (by click) - Packet buffering (click) ->
payload analysis  (click) ->  New TCP connection

1. Suppose all the nodes of the above packet flow
diagram are implemented as click elements.

2. How can the element "Packet buffering" signal 
"payload analysis" that packets are available and
payload analysis should start? 

3. How can element "payload analysis" signal to
"Packet buffering" that a decision on payload content
has been made and no more packets need to be buffered?

4. While steps (3) & (4) are continuing , click
element " TCP Termination " should be able to recv
packets so that click does not get held up in (3) &
(basically need to decouple the two)

5. How to reinitiate "New TCP connection" when the
packet needs to be sent to the server independently of
the state of any of the above elements?

Being a newbie I am just diving, swimming & drowning
in click. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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