[Click] Redhat 9.0 Kernel Mode Click Router Working - Config file ?

Davila, Pedro Manuel pedro at miami.edu
Mon Oct 11 10:19:07 EDT 2004

Hi Eddie 
 and everyone else who took the time to reply, and everyone else who is reading this :)

First thing, Outlook express, IE, Netscape, FireFox, and Opera can not open any of the emails you guys sent to me, in reply to my earlier question. I'm using the school Micro$oft Exchange Server, and hence it is my fault. I think it is something with the characters in the subject field "(, [, etc." Anyways I saw the replies on the archieve (should have looked earlier), and wanted to thank all of you. Although this has been so frustrating, when I read your replies, I couldn't help but grin. Especially considering you all kept sugesting solutions, even though I was no where to be found. Also Outlook 2003 can open the replies.

Harendra, my friend and fellow student, got the Click Modular Router up and running in kernel mode, under Redhat 9.0. The step that fixed everything for us was copying the default config file to /.config, then running make oldconfig (instead of any of the others). 

However we have not been able to get the simple config working. We too (I've read all the posts:) have a simple configuration. Two computers (acting as hosts) and one computer acting as the click modular router. We would like to set up a ip router that allows us to communicated between the two hosts (ftp for example). We have got a simple ethernet card forwarding config file to work under the user mode, but it fails under kernel module mode. :(
// Simple Forwarding of Packets

a1 :: EtherEncap(0x0800, Click_1_MAC, HOST_1_MAC);
a2 :: EtherEncap(0x0800, Click_2_MAC, HOST_2_MAC);

out1 :: ToDevice(eth1);
out2 :: ToDevice(eth2);

FromDevice(eth1)-> Strip(14) -> a1 -> out2;
FromDevice(eth2)-> Strip(14) -> a2 -> out1;

The "ip router config file" generated by your perl script does not work for us either. We have the following configuration:

1- Click Modular Router
      eth1 = not set
      eth2 = not set
2- Host_1
      eth1 =
3- Host_2
      eth2 =

Any ideas on what stupidity I am doing now? (I was going to say overwhelming moment of brilliance instead, but didn't want anyone to miss the sarcasm)

Below you will find the tested, working steps for getting the kernel mode click router working under Redhat 9.0 are as follows :)

1. unpack the src to /usr/src/linux 
2. apply the appropriate patch
*. cp /boot/config/config_2.4.20-8 ./.config 
   - The file config_2.4.20-8 depends on your version of redat.
   - For instance, in white box it is config_2.4.21-15.EL
3. make oldconfig (don't use menuconfig, xcopnfig, or other)
4. make dep
5. make bzImage
6. make install
7. make modules
8. make modules_install
9. Check/fix grub.conf
...follow rest of instructions in Install Readme file 
(The only difference is steps * and 3).

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