[Click] Stuck compiling new elements

Bart Braem bart.braem at ua.ac.be
Fri Oct 1 05:04:27 EDT 2004

Dear list,

I'm doing my master's thesis on an AODV implementation using nsclick and I'm 
stuck trying to compile new Click elements. I wrote an element in 
elements/local, I performed
./configure --enable-olsr --enable-nsclick --disable-linuxmodule 
--enable-debug --enable-local
to enable the debug directory where my element is located
I then made the ns directory:
cd ns
and then installed nsclick:
cd ../..
Now when I use this element (ClickDebugger) in the sample nsclick script I get 
this error:
nsclick-simple-lan.click:57: undeclared element `ClickDebugger' (first use 
this block)

I did the checks in the FAQ:
the element is mentioned in ns/elements.conf
the element is mentioned in ns/elements.cc
the element has a proper export: EXPORT_ELEMENT(ClickDebugger)
running make elemlist doesn't change anything

What am I doing wrong here? Could you please help me as I'm desperate finding 
my mistake.

Thanks a lot
dwars, studentenblad van de UA

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