[Click] Is it possible for a packet to exist twice inside of arouter?

Bart Braem bart.braem at ua.ac.be
Tue Nov 23 02:36:04 EST 2004

> Is it possible, for example, for the same exact packet to exist in multiple
> queues? I ask, because if you were storing your packets in a central
> location and then fetching them back when you got to transmit, you'd need
> to delete packets from that central location when they were no longer
> needed.
> If there can only be one copy, then a discard from a queue would always
> delete packets from that shared memory. If there can be multiple, you'd
> have to keep a counter of how many copies exist.

You should be able to copy a packet with uniqueify, so copying is possible. 
Often I use only one packet and then pointers to that packet, that makes 
keeping track of packets a lot easier.

Hope that helps,

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