[Click] Questions about the DSDV

Douglas S. J. De Couto decouto at csail.mit.edu
Thu May 20 10:28:19 EDT 2004

> Hi all,
>     Now, I have installed the click-1.4 and tried to run the DSDV 
> (DSR). Here are some questions about it:
>     First, the message appeared showed a 1-hop route was found. How 
> can I do to make it show all the routes it found?

how many routes are in your network?  If there are only two nodes, each 
node will only have a 1-hop route to the other node (if they can talk 
to each other).

You can see the route table using element handlers.  The DSDV route 
table is the userlevel handler `nb.rtes', which can be read using the 
click ControlSocket element.

You can read it with this command line:

printf 'read nb.rtes\nquit\n' | nc localhost 7777

or, telnet to port 7777 on the local host, and type `read nb.rtes', 
then `quit' to exit.

>     Second, the metric used in it is hop-based. If I want another, 
> what should I do?

there are several metrics that you can configure DSDV with.  run 
./make-dsdv-config.pl --help and see the notes about the --metric 

Each metric is implemented by a separate element, e.g. HopcountMetric, 
or ETXMetric, etc.

>     I tried to read the DsdvRouteTable.cc, but failed for my poor C++. 
> So hope for your instructions.
>     Thanks.

Douglas S. J. De Couto    <decouto at csail.mit.edu>

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