[Click] Config problem?? Router dies.

Larsen Søren s_larsen at danfoss.com
Fri Jun 25 15:33:48 EDT 2004

Hi everybody
I'm using click router as a WAN simulator here in my company, i got it
running fine a long time ago, but somehow i can't get it up an running now
My new installation is a redhat 7.2 with a patched 2.4.21 kernel.
Click installed fine an runs as a kernel module, no problem there, the
problem comes when i load my configuration file, the first packet gets
trough but then it stops. Any ideas??? (i use ping to test it. theres a
windows client on each side, with static routes on.)
i load the config file by using "click-install router1.click" ive tried the
following to.: "click-install < router1.click" & "click-install -f
Here is my config file.:
// Address Information
  eth0 00:01:02:75:B8:35,
  eth1 00:03:47:DC:E1:98,

// Device Setup
// The ethernet device module does the following:
// A>>> For all incoming packets captured
//   1. Captures all packets arriving on the h/w interface
//   2. Annotates the packet with the current timestamp
//   3. Sends it to the output of this module
// B>>> For all packets fed as input to the module
//   1. Enqueue packets in a queue 
//   2. Pass the packets through a delay shaper
//   3. Put the packet out on the h/w interface
elementclass GatewayDevice {
  $device |
  from :: FromDevice($device)
 -> SetTimestamp()
 -> output;
        // Modify this argument for the size of the queue
 -> Queue(11)
        // Modify this argument for latency (seconds)
 -> DelayShaper(.005)      
 // Modify this argument for bandwidth (Bytes/second)
   //     -> BandwidthShaper(32768)
        -> BandwidthShaper(250000)
 -> to :: ToDevice($device);
  ScheduleInfo(from 1, to 1);
client_dev :: GatewayDevice(eth0);
server_dev :: GatewayDevice(eth1);
// The ARP class handles only two types of packets
//   1. Responses to ARP queries 
//   2. IP packets
server_arp_class, client_arp_class :: Classifier(12/0806 20/0001, 12/0806
20/0002, 12/0800);
client_arpq :: ARPQuerier(eth0);
server_arpq :: ARPQuerier(eth1);

// Packets flowing from Client to Server
// =====================================
// Feed all packets arriving on the client interface to
// the arp class
client_dev -> client_arp_class;
// Respond to ARP queries
 -> ARPResponder(eth0)
 -> client_dev;
// Handle and save ARP responses
client_arp_class[1] -> [1]client_arpq;

// For every IP packet, 
// strip the Ethernet headers,
// check the IP header,
// annotate the packet with the destination IP address,
// send it out on the server interface
 -> Strip(14) 
 -> CheckIPHeader 
 -> GetIPAddress(16)
 -> [0]server_arpq
 -> server_dev;

// Packets flowing from Server to Client
// =====================================
// Feed all packets arriving on the server interface 
// to the arp class
server_dev -> server_arp_class;
// Respond to ARP queries
 -> ARPResponder(eth1)
 -> server_dev;
// Handle and save ARP responses
server_arp_class[1] -> [1]server_arpq;
// For every IP packet, 
// strip the Ethernet headers,
// check the IP header,
// annotate the packet with the destination IP address,
// send it out on the client interface
        -> Strip(14)
        -> CheckIPHeader
        -> GetIPAddress(16)
        -> [0]client_arpq
        -> client_dev
Søren Larsen
Danfoss IT
Danfoss A/S
Nordborgvej 81
6430 Nordborg
Telephone : +45 xx xx xx xx
Mail :  <mailto:S_Larsen at danfoss.com> S_Larsen at danfoss.com

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