[Click] IPRewriter and ICMP packets

Eddie Kohler kohler at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Jul 30 20:02:15 EDT 2004

Erik VandeKieft wrote:
>>The IPRewriter table is looked up using five properties: src addr, src port, dst
>>addr, dst port, protocol.  Note that completely different mappings might be
>>installed for different tuples.  For example you might have
>>    <, 20,, 30, TCP>  =>  <, 929,, 30, TCP>
>>    <, 40,, 59, UDP>  =>  <, 40,, 59, UDP>
>>Note different src addrs.
>>Now an ICMP ping has three properties: source addr, dest addr, and identifier.
>>Say a ping <,, 40> arrived when the IPRewriter was in the above
>>state.  How should that ping be rewritten?  Src addr or
> Hmmm. Actually, now that I think about it, I guess I could have been using
> just an IPAddrRewriter rather than an IPRewriter all this time, since I
> never translate any ports. I can always look up my mappings based on just
> the source and destination IP address.

It sounds like you want something _close_ to an IPAddrRewriter, but not quite. 
IPAddrRewriter looks at the source OR destination address -- which is what you 
want for conventional NAT.  You want an IPAddrPairRewriter that looks at source 
AND destination address.  That should be pretty easy....

> Since that doesn't look at ports, couldn't that work with ICMP ping
> packets? 


The ICMPPingRewriter as its written still isn't enough because it
> wants a static NEWSRC and NEWDST; I at least want it to look in the table
> of an IPAddrRewriter.
> Thanks! Sorry about the confusion there...
> --Erik

No problem.


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