[Click] Repeating packets read from FromDump

kevin_mitchell at agilent.com kevin_mitchell at agilent.com
Thu Jul 15 10:44:43 EDT 2004

For testing purposes I'm reading packets from a dump file, using FromDump, and then sending them out of one of my interfaces, after altering them.  Now when all the packets have been sent click just waits.  I can see an option to tell the driver to stop at that point.  But what I can't see is any way to tell click to start reading the file from the beginning again, and keep going until I kill it.  This seems a reasonable thing to want to do, especially when using the timing argument to limit the packet generation rate.   Unless I've misread things I couldn't see a parameter for the FromDump element that would have this effect.  Is there some other way of achieving this in Click, or would I have to write my own element to do this?

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